10 Tips for Designing a New, Kid-Friendly Home

By Elizabeth Summers / July 19, 2018 / No comments
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Many moms have a long to-do list to turn their home in a more family-friendly dwelling, but if you can purchase and design a home built from the ground up, you can save a lot of time and energy. Start by researching a great local construction company.

Peruse contractor websites and services in your area to get an idea of the styles and level of customer service you can expect from your builder. Don’t fall for shady contractor schemes; go with a reputable company who’s earned high online reviews.

After you’ve chosen your contractor, you can start to design your home. What are some of the features you’ve dreamed about for a comfortable family atmosphere?

  1. Think of the Future

This is the vital first step. Try to project how your family will fit into your home in 5 to 20 years, not just right now. If you’re someone planning to adopt a kid in the near future, you’d want to give your child the best of things starting with a warm and welcoming home. A lot of married couples like to explore family planning possibilities by checking for options such as Child Adoption in Texas or in their vicinity. That being said, whether you choose to conceive or adopt, your kids deserve the finest accommodations. Your little kids will be fine in small bedrooms now, but when they’re teenagers, they’re going to want to spread out a little.

Think about some of the amenities you’ll want available as your kids grow, so you can put them in now and save hassle later. You can also contact a professional that builds custom homes in New Jersey and elsewhere for advice about kid-friendly features. If you don’t have the funds for a large family home to fit your growing family, install an unfinished basement that can be upgraded later when your kids will need the space.

  1. Install a Multi-Sink Family Bathroom

When your kids are older, this is a feature you’ll be very glad you have. It’ll reduce morning squabbles and enable the kids to get ready faster.

You might also install the kids’ bathroom vanity outside of the toilet and shower area. That way, one child can get ready for school while another is still in the shower.

  1. Have Some Soft Flooring

Hardwood flooring is attractive and easy to clean, but it’s not ideal for babies learning to walk, crawl, and run. Carpeted bedrooms might be better, so kids experience a soft landing when they fall. In your hard-floor living areas, place large, padded rugs to keep young kids safe.

  1. Put Space in the Kitchen

Close quarters in a kitchen may make for a more efficient working environment, but this is not necessarily best for families with small children. Kids will probably dart around you as you’re juggling pots and pulling food out of the oven, no matter how many times you tell them to stay out of the way when you’re cooking.

Adding a little space between working areas will reduce the chance of accidents. It also means you’ll have more room for cupboards, so it’s a win-win.

  1. Keep It Basic

When your kids are living their busy lives, you’ll be glad if you have a basic, no-fuss design. Dark-colored accent walls are attractive, but when they get scratched and chipped, that can be a lot more noticeable than lighter colors. Simple designs are usually easier to repair in the long run. In case you are confused about choices or are simply unable to devote the required amount of time because of your busy schedule, you can consult reputable home builders like those at Garman Builders. They can help you in the home renovation process from material selection to project management in a personalised manner. Professionals at these firms coordinate with subcontractors and architects to bring a home of your vision into reality. As a result, you might be assured of a safe and kid-friendly house.

  1. Add Vibrancy with Colors, Pattern, and Texture

When you’re decorating your new house, make it look fun and inviting! Kids live there, and their toys and other belongings scattered across the floor will blend in better if you’ve incorporated patterned accent rugs, vibrant-colored sofas, and off-white walls. This will also hide the dirt and stains your kids leave behind more effectively.

  1. Spring for Indestructible Materials

While tougher materials are often more expensive and less trendy, they’ll save time in the long run. Here’s a list of sturdy building materials you won’t regret using:

  • Washable paint
  • Shutters or shades instead of blinds and long drapes
  • Heavy fabrics like leather, vinyl, denim, wool, pleather, Ultra-suede, and felt
  • Hardwood floors in areas of high traffic
  • Carpet in bedrooms
  • Large area rugs that protect your floors

During renovations, you may also come across unexpected issues, such as pests hiding in walls or basements. If you’re in Nevada, consider reaching out to professionals like las vegas pest control to safely and effectively handle pest infestations. Addressing these problems early ensures your home remains safe, clean, and comfortable.

  1. Designate Separate Space for Kids and Adults

You’re not likely to forget the common spaces for family time, but you might not think of designating spaces for kids and adults to spend time separately. Happy families enjoy unattended time, so make room for that in your home design.

A playroom for tots or a game room for older kids gives them space to be creatively active. They can be louder and busier in this space if it’s absent of expensive decorations and furniture.

On the flip side, you can create an office room for the parents. This room is perfect for finishing up work or paying bills. You can furnish the room with pedestals, folding tables, and executive chairs bought from office monster and its likes to be in sync with the purpose of the room. Besides this, you can also design an escape room for the adults to have a date night there.

  1. Incorporate Smart Storage

You’ll never regret having more smart storage in your home. Clutter may be an unavoidable feature of a family home, but you don’t have to let it take over. If you have a place for everything, it’s easier to straighten up.

  1. Let Kids Help

Kids often know what they want, and while their requests for turrets and fantasyland bedrooms might not be feasible, they can contribute to such choices as paint colors and flooring. They might also have ideas about space and room sizing in your final design.

If you’re designing a family-friendly home, a family planning session is a great way to start!