15 Pieces of Wise Foot Care Advice
By Elizabeth Summers / May 8, 2018 / No comments
Are you looking for the best ways to take care of your feet? Here are some quality tips to help you take better care of your feet.
- Get a quality fitter to measure the size of your feet. If possible, ask the fitter at your local shoe shop to make sure he/she has the right qualifications. Both of your feet should be measured for width and size, since one of your feet is always different from the other. The foot with the larger size will determine the right size for your shoes.
- You can use a fitting gauge for feet but only as a guide because the calibration might vary from one to the other. Fittings and sizes will often depend on the country of origin, style, manufacturer and much more. There is no standardization of shoe sizes and that’s where a qualified shoe fitter comes in handy. He/she will interpret the correct size of shoe depending on the size of your foot. The fitting gauge might suggest a size but use it as a starting point to determine the right size.
- You can get your feet measured when you are sitting down or standing. You can also use a foot gauge but the final assessment should be arrived at when you are standing. That’s because when you are standing your feet spread their standing weight.
- Make sure your shoes are made out of natural materials such as cotton, leather and much more. These materials will change depending on the size of your feet and allow them to feet properly. Artificial materials such as plastic make your feet sweat and often return to their original shapes when not being worn. Eventually, you will get abrasions and fungal infections. Some manufacturers use materials with chemicals such as sympatex, and goretex and they are not good for your feet.
- Take good care of your shoes by polishing them regularly. That way, they will look great every day and last longer.
- If you are suffering from diabetes, you should take better care of your feet. Make sure you buy comfortable shoes that are always dry and warm. Always wear shoes and hosiery that are secure enough but not tight.
- Make sure you are wearing the right shoe for any occasion. If you are going to a wedding, christening or anywhere else, you should always consider your shoes before choosing the outfit, especially if you are a lady. Remember, you will be in your shoes for a longer period, compared to other accessories such as hats. When your feet are comfortable, you can keep a happy mood for the event.
- Don’t force your child to wear shoes too early. Make sure that your child wears shoes when they are walking, especially outside to make sure his/her feet are completely protected. Depending on when your child starts walking, he/she might start needing shoes between 7 months and 2 years of age. Don’t force your child to start walking in shoes if they are not ready.
- Buy shoes that are available in different fittings. When choosing shoes for a child, make sure they are designed according to the shape of their feet, especially being wide at the front and slim at the heel. The shoes should also come with various width fittings since there is no standard for shoe sizes and feet don’t follow a particular standard as well. Check out sole traders for a wide selection.
- Any shoes for children should have an adjustable strap/lace or Velcro fastening in the instep allowing for better adjustment without any restrictions and providing a much better overall fit.
- When buying new shoes for your children, don’t rely on the comfort factor alone. It’s easy enough for the shoes to be cramping and distorting without there being discomfort and pain. Children might say the shoes are comfortable when they are not simply because they like a certain pair. If possible, ask a supervisor for some assistance when purchasing the shoes for the best results.
- Make sure that your child’s shoes are checked by a professional for the correct fit every 4 to 6 weeks for children under 3 years of age, every 6 to 8 weeks for children between 3 and 4 years of age and every 10 to 12 weeks for children above 4 years of age. There’s a chance that your child might need new shoes every time their feet are measured. The best shoe fitter will provide the right advice to allow you to make an informed decision. Keep in mind that your child’s feet will grow erratically so it is a good idea to consult a shoe fitter for the best advice.
- Avoid giving your child handed down shoes since they are already in the shape of the previous wearer. Also, they will cause friction and fail to provide support in the relevant areas causing infections.
- Check your child’s socks regularly and throw out any poorly shaped or outgrown ones. Rely on cotton and wool socks but stay away from stretch socks. Avoid toes that have a poor fit at the toes will prevent circulation and restrict proper growth for your child. Furthermore, if you don’t have time to visit offline stores or shops to try them on, you can go straight to the internet and search for something like ‘world’s most comfortable socks‘ to have a plethora of options you might consider for comfortable wear.
- When your children go back to school in new shoes, they might experience a lot of friction from rubbing causing blisters. Make sure they wear new shoes with socks. Also, you can buy the new shoes a week before school and wear them at home for a period to prevent these blisters. Always bring your child with you when shopping for new shoes to get the right fit and size. Some stores don’t allow returns so you can avoid losing money by fitting the shoe when the child is there.