4 Common Classroom Signs of Dyslexia
Dyslexia can be diagnosed at any time of life, but it’s very common for the first signs to show themselves in the classroom. While you cannot make a diagnosis yourself, you can note that a student might be struggling with dyslexia and take the matter to a headteacher.
To talk about it in little detail, dyslexia is one of the many reading disorder types that can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from difficulty with word recognition and decoding to poor spelling and writing skills. It is typically caused by a difference in the way the brain processes written language, which can affect the ability to read, write, spell, and process language.
That being said, here are just four common classroom signs of dyslexia.
- Spelling Mistakes
It probably comes as no surprise to learn that dyslexic students often make spelling mistakes. Of course, all children make spelling mistakes at some point, so you need to look a little closer. Here are just a few of the most common spelling mistakes associated with dyslexia:
- Spelling words as they sound instead of how they’re written
- Writing letters out of sequence or reversing the sequence of letters
- Missing out letters
- Using the wrong letters
- Adding extra letters
- Using a ‘t’ instead of ‘-ed’
- Problems with Number Sequences and Times Tables
People commonly associate dyslexia with reading problems, but the condition can also affect mathematical abilities. You may notice that certain children have trouble remembering number sequences, such as telephone numbers. The same issues often arise when learning times tables.
Additionally, students with dyslexia will often reverse number sequences; for example, 57 would be turned into 75.
- Difficulty Expressing Ideas in Writing
One of the struggles commonly faced by dyslexic students is having plenty to say but not being able to transfer thoughts into written words. Dyslexic students typically take much longer to write and end up producing less, even if they seem to be working just as hard as other students. They may also write rambling sentences that lack proper punctuation.
- Problems with Reading Comprehension
Dyslexic students often struggle with reading comprehension. They may read through a page and then immediately forget what they just took in, and they may skip words or entire lines when reading aloud. A slow reading speed is another common sign.