Endodontic Treatment for Inflamed or Infected Pulp

By Elizabeth Summers / January 7, 2021 / No comments
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Infected pulp refers to a dental condition where the soft tissue inside the tooth, known as the pulp, becomes infected and inflamed. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue that help the tooth develop during its early stages. However, if the tooth is exposed to deep decay, cracks, or trauma, bacteria can penetrate the pulp, leading to an infection.

Identified via common symptoms which include pain induced by biting pressure, long-term sensitivity to hot or cold conditions, and spontaneous sensations of pain, pulp inflammation, and infection is best treated through Endodontics, also known as root canal treatment. In some cases, the gums can become very tender with some very visible swelling, while severe cases may even cause discoloration of the tooth. In most cases, the need for Endodontic treatment or dental root canals will become evident through the effects of the pulp inflammation or infection symptoms. However, in the wake of the patient experiencing no pain or not showing any readily identifiable symptoms, it takes just a visit to the dentist to confirm the inflammation or infection.

More about Dental Pulp

The pulp chamber or dental pulp of a tooth is a soft region inside the core of the tooth’s structure, comprised of odontoblast cells, blood vessels, and connective tissue. These odontoblasts, connective tissue, and blood vessels are connected to the jaw via the tooth’s nerve, which is important to the health of the tooth. The tooth’s nerve only acts as a stimulatory connection to the gum and not necessarily as a mechanical connective structure. As a direct result of a number of factors, the inflammation or infection of this soft inner region of a tooth may warrant Endodontic treatment. While the dental pulp is important during the formative stage of a tooth, once the tooth has developed to maturity, its functionality can continue without the pulp.

The Endodontic Treatment Process

Alternatively known as root canal treatment, Endodontic treatments are facilitated by a dentist in meridian, id, and elsewhere, who has completed advanced training and received accreditation from the American Dental Association.

During a root canal or Endodontic treatment procedure, the pulp is removed along with its connective nerve, after which process the resultant root cavity is filled up prior to being sealed off. The tooth then undergoes restoration with a dental crown, a process that can be carried out by a general dentist. Finally, normal functionality of the tooth can resume following the tooth’s cleaning.

In case the tooth is unsalvageable or the endodontic treatment fails, the doctor may suggest the removal of the tooth to reduce pain and keep other teeth and gums healthy. If that is the situation, tooth extraction, and dental implants could be the better option. You can read about dental implant procedures and types by going through a blog like this all-on-4 teeth implants or similar others to decide what course of action you want to follow. Your teeth and gums health could be necessary to support the jaw and reduce discomfort while speaking and eating. So if you encounter issues like infected pulp or tooth decay, ensure you get it treated as soon as possible.

Endodontic Treatment Process Misconceptions

Prior to a patient’s consultation with their dentist, the pain associated with inflamed or infected dental pulps can account for some mild to very severe discomfort. This pre-procedural pain has often led to the misconception that the actual root canal treatment procedure is painful itself. Many people even go as far as fearing that the process of undergoing an Endodontic treatment procedure is more painful than having a tooth filling inserted, but this is inaccurate. Patients who have actually had the Endodontic procedure carried out more accurately describe the pain or discomfort endured as just about equal to that of having a filling inserted.

The Importance of Endodontics to Overall Oral Health

Even if the pain and discomfort caused by infected or inflamed dental pulp are not hindering normal functionality, patients should not ignore the issue. Seeking professional dental help is essential for those who suspect pulp infections. Timely evaluation and possible root canal treatment offered by clinics specializing in restorative dentistry greenwood or a similar oral healthcare provider elsewhere can prevent the condition from worsening and improve the overall health of individuals.

Damaged pulp or nerve tissue serves as the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to multiply, leading to gum diseases. Severe cases can even lead to abscessed teeth, albeit in the absence of pain, with other oral health and hygiene implications, such as severe halitosis. Bone-wearing could also occur around the root’s tip, so holes forming in the side of the tooth and the spreading of swelling to other facial areas like the neck.