Maintaining the Virtues of Faith in the Workplace
As someone whose faith is a very important part of my life, I do try to be objective about some very valid issues members of opposing religions may raise, or indeed even people who aren’t even religious at all. As much as they have grounds for not harbouring the belief that some of us have, we have grounds for harbouring the belief that they don’t have.
In any case, we have to navigate this world together and in some or other way find ways to co-exist, even in the instance that our different beliefs could clash in somewhat of a colossal manner.
The best way through which to do this is to acknowledge one important fact we always seem to miss amidst all the debating, which is that in essence, anybody who follows a set of rules, whether religious or otherwise, does so with good intentions. This is where the virtue of it shines through and these virtues are what we should hold on to.
I mean you’ve already interacted with your work colleagues a few times if not many times over the years you’ve worked with them, so can you really tell me that the ones you get along with are only the ones who practice the same religion you and perhaps even those who attend the same church denomination as you do? Probably not.
Effective communication is an essential part of any workplace, as illustrated by these 5 examples of great staff communication; thusly if you want to be productive and your employees to give their best on the job, then you have to often keep aside personal preferences of faith, or at least clear the air by talking about them and establishing proper boundaries.
So, as much as the typical workplace is all about money, something which in many interpretations is considered to be the root of all evil, the virtues of faith definitely have a place in the workplace. Not only that, an active decision to maintain these virtues should be taken as this will make provision for the much-needed self-governance structure which is often missing from the lives of many economically active individuals. Partly, this could be done by using Together Mentoring Software or similar technology that can provide the necessary support and feedback for an employee’s experience with maintaining faith and virtue in any work setting. While some might support the active garnering of such ideas, others might appreciate a more passive approach, and using the right kind of tools and technology to enable these ideas can do more good than harm.
You don’t even have to look too hard to find existing conduits of the virtues of faith being implemented in the workplace, such as how the integrity with which you should act at all times is implicitly left up to a decision you should take as an individual. Your integrity will definitely be challenged on a daily basis with every decision you face and if you do indeed operate in the absence of integrity, for the most part, you can get away with it, but at some point, there will always be retribution.
Nobody is expected to be perfect either, least of all the average employee who may very well find themselves in a position that makes them feel like they’re been taken advantage of in some or another way, while the organisation they’re working for continues to pile on the profits.
There are some industries however in which the virtues of faith are basically the driving force of the entire industry, such as how the likes of Christopher Simon are made to swear an oath in any of their representations of their clients in the court of law, or within the realms of the institutions surrounding the upholding and enforcing of the law. Naturally, this goes beyond just the car accident law practice and is perhaps even more visibly pronounced in the likes of criminal, civil, and economic law.