Planning The Perfect End of Summer Party
As the last few weeks of the great British summer draw to an end, it’s time to start enjoying the very last of the sunshine (wherever that might yet be) and gather your family and friends around for a last get together before the days turn shorter and colder, and – we’ve made sure that you can do this on a budget too.
If you’re a seasoned home party planner then you’ll know this bit of advice for sure. Always know who you want at your party, and when you’re going to have them sat and with whom, and if you’re planning on having a lot of families over, this is a quick and easy hack to save you a lot of drama later. If you know that Uncle Freddy isn’t a big fan of Aunty Patty, keep them separated. If you are having quite a lot of adult family members over then it may be wise to check out the best wine store in Denver or wherever you are having your party, so you can supply the party with what it needs and get everyone the drinks they love.
It’s a trend from a different age that is busy making its way back into popularity: asking your guests what their dietary requirements are when they RSVP and make no mistake, it could become very tricky indeed. From vegans to fruitarians to the rise of the gluten-free brigade and their allergy-prone compatriots, modern living means that there is no excuse anymore not to take holistic care of all of your guests when they come to your dinner party.
At this time of year, you have the perfect reasons to have your nearest and dearest around to reflect on what this season has meant for them. God has created seasons for a reason and as we prepare to move from summer into autumn, the winds of change bring a time for introspection and reflection. This is something of a leaf that we can take from our American cousins and their “Thanksgiving” holiday. So it’s a perfect end of season theme to share some inspirational stories over some good food with the best people.
It doesn’t matter if you’re planning a party for 10 or a party for 100, you’ll need to get your plans in order. Because on the night you want to be the host with most, and not have to spend all of your time in the kitchen or chasing after the sound guy. Get your food and drinks in order. Make sure you have enough wine. It would be better to get a subscription from a wine club if you happen to host parties very often. Ordering good quality wine at the minute might become a big hurdle, so plan accordingly. Never forget about the food preferences as already mentioned above. So you’re going to want a catering an event checklist
It is more important than ever to spend time with our loved ones in more deep and meaningful ways and there are few ways to do this that can rival the ritual, of food. Some of our best and most treasured memories stem from epic Christmas dinners and birthday nosh that still gets spoken about today and your party shouldn’t be any different. God created prayers and rituals around food and the breaking of bread for exactly this reason and when it’s time to honour the role that he has played in bringing together our families to partake in his abundance, around a table under the blue skies or night stars is a marvellous place to do just that.