How to update your conservatory for summer

By Elizabeth Summers / July 19, 2018 / No comments
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Summer is a time spent enjoying family and friends. There’s no better way to get the best out of the weather and opportunities that come with it than to update your conservatory.

What can you do to that gorgeous garden room to get it looking its best?

  1. Install a new roof

A whole year of weather and elements lashing up against the roof of your conservatory may have caused it to seem drag and dirty. You may want to speak to people who regularly handles storm damage roof repair to assess the damage that may be there, or maybe you just need to hose it down and give it a good scrubbing to get it back up to standards. You may want to speak to a company like Bondoc Roofing, or another firm that handles storm damage roof repair, to assess how much work needs to be done or to replace the roof entirely.

Perhaps you are looking to replace your roof altogether, maybe even with a metal roof. Simply get hold of some electric metal shear cutting tools and get working on your new DIY metal roof!

Perhaps your conservatory is rather old and in need of some TLC? There are many options for you and simple replacing the roof of your conservatory rather than buying a completely new one may just be the answer. If you’re wanting to conduct some research into new roofing options for your conservatory, you may wish to consider looking at websites such as or others that could undertake your roofing conversion.

Options such as an Ultra Roof which is strong and sturdy or simply just a replacement glass roof with special features to keep it cool in the summer and warm in the winter will go a long way.

  1. Replace the guttering

It’s important to clean your gutters regularly and forgetting to do so can make the outside of your conservatory look dreadful. Replace these and restore so beauty to the outside of your home.

  1. New Blinds

How long have you had those same blinds in the conservatory? We know they’re essential to keeping your conservatory cool and protecting your furniture from UV damage but spruce those up a little and it’ll make all the difference.

Try a new colour or opt for venetian blinds.

  1. Plants

Plants make any space look good. Just make sure that you choose plants that can survive in your conservatory environment and look after them!

Small plants, flowers and herbs look great on the window-sills and then larger plants can be added to the floor area.

If you need a new conservatory, get in touch with Salisbury Glass. They do high-quality and well designed and built conservatories in a range of styles and designs.